Monday, April 23, 2007

5 months

I can't believe it. Baby G is going to be 5 months old this week. He is the sweetest baby. He loves to smile. He is a 20 lb chunk and 25 inches long. He was in the 95% on weight but only in the 25% on length. He is like a little tea pot "short and stout."

It is as if we get to be part of an experiment. Each day George learns something new. He will find a new sound and roll it around in his mouth a few days. Then he will find another new sound. He is constantly adding new noises to his vocabulary.

He has a jumparoo that he LOVES to jump in. When he stands on our laps he wants to keep jumping. Needless to say, he is helping me tone my arm muscles.

We are still not sleeping through the night, but when I go in to get him each night and he smiles at me when I go to pick him up it makes the lack of sleep well worth it. I realize it will not be like this forever, so I really don't mind.

Making George giggle has become a fun game for daddy and mommy. Each attempt it is something different. One time it might be belly zerberts, the next time it might be a game of peek-a-boo.

Cereal is now a daily addition to George's diet. He has taken to it pretty well. I'm going to add cereal with banana tomorrow. I can't wait to see how that goes. He doesn't really think of it as nourishment yet. It is more like another game.

I was always scared of small babies, but I love kids. If babyhood is this much fun, I can't WAIT for the rest of it!